So when Alison approached about this health and wellness treatment Infra-Glow an infra red sauna which works inside out and helps release harmful toxins as part of the modern lifestyle I just had to try.
The difference with this treatment it about health and wellness and you are in you own individual dome see above.
Alison didn't leave me throughout as your first one you are unsure and it is reassurance and I wanted as much information to share with my followers.
Infra-Glow which is so popular in LA with a big celebrity following and they are the ones who represent health and wellness and image which works along with their lifestyles in fact Kanye West bought his wife her own as she loves it so much.
So before the treatment refrain from alcohol and caffeine and eat a clean diet be sensible the day before drink plenty of fluid and afterwards too drink plenty of water.
Also bring with you water and swim suit or bikini and towel for afterwards as be prepared to sweat.
You are under the Infra-Red glow sauna for 45 minutes and you will gradually get hotter and sweat more I found my feet starting to tingle and legs which is circulation increasing but different for everyone but it is good tingle.
Allison was with me explaining the benefits and also monitoring how I was doing and when I got really hot placed a fan directly over my face which helps you feel cool as your face isn't covered this was gorgeous.
The infra-red glow sauna works seven times more than normal Swedish sauna it detoxifies 20% of toxins out of your body from cosmetics, food which are held in fat cells and releases them inside out.
The effect after this treatment I felt on top of the world and would definitely include this in my lifestyle great to get beach ready and having more than one would definitely be more beneficial but even just as one off is so good I felt so relaxed later on in the evening and had best night sleep website below contact Alison 07506740979 The Amara centre, 25 Totteridge lane, Whetstone, London N20 OEX